The 17th Annual Memorial Tournament was a Great Success. We had 25 Teams divided into 3 Classes
Class A: Bun Carley 2nd - Larry Grabowski 1st - Bun Carley 2nd - Josh Smith 1st
Class B: 1st Jill Peterson and Ed Pulsfus _- 2nd Russ Kozlowski and Dave Volz
Class C: 1st Perry LaFortune and Jay - 2nd Chad Volz and Dan Volz
Memorial area by the horseshoe shack. In 2019 we lost 3 pitchers who have pitched in this tournament, Rudy Van Fleet,
Jerome "Pete" Peterson and Larry Volz. This brings the total pitchers remembered to 18. The bench belonged to
Larry and Arlene Volz. We will be putting the names of all of our memorial pitchers and the year that we lost them on the wall.
Jerome "Pete" Peterson and Larry Volz. This brings the total pitchers remembered to 18. The bench belonged to
Larry and Arlene Volz. We will be putting the names of all of our memorial pitchers and the year that we lost them on the wall.